Vessel, the pseudonym of Bristolian Sebastian Gainsborough, is an artist whose sonic evolution has journeyed from techno and dub, to the visceral, post-industrial composition of a "new folk music" in 2014's acclaimed album Punish, Honey, stretching the boundaries of contemporary classical and the avant-garde. With forthcoming new album Queen of Golden Dogs this November - his third album on Tri Angle - he reinvents his sound once more with a record shaped by an infatuation with chamber music and conceived, developed and rendered into life over eighteen months of solitude in rural Wales.
Over two months this autumn, Vessel takes up residence in the reverberant surroundings of Somerset House's Rifle Range to write and perform a new work, an original composition written for voices, percussion and electronics, and broadly inspired by Clarice Lispector's The Passion According to G.H, the piece aims to be a brief moment of insanity.