Wysing Study Night, Image Anne Tetzlaff
Former Somerset House Studios resident

Florence Peake

Visual artist, choreographer and dancer using drawing, painting and sculpture materials with the moving body. 

Somerset House Studios
New Wing

Florence's work is concerned with the often hidden production processes of artworks, interacting with, re-imagining and re-framing the procedures, actions and gestures involved in both making a piece of work and packaging it (literally). Performances often incorporate large-scale objects and materials that change and re-form in front of the audience. Site, the placement of performance and relationship to audience, live and recorded text, as well as a well-developed sense of wit and humour, are key to her work. Themes in her work include appropriating popular spiritual practices, capturing the live experience of performing and the memory of a given performance, and re-performing the live works through large scale canvas and fresco works. 

MAKE, Baltic Centre for Contemporary Art

Florence's work has been shown nationally and internationally, with presentations including the National Portrait Gallery,  BALTIC, Newcastle, Hayward Gallery as part of the Mirrorcity show, David Roberts Art Foundation and Yorkshire Sculpture Park.   

The intimacy – physical and non-physical – was challenging. It felt dangerous, learning to trust each other, learning to be vulnerable. This is us.

The Keeners, Photo Tim Bowditch, Commissioned by SPACE
The Keeners, Photo Tim Bowditch, Commissioned by SPACE

At Somerset House Studios Florence will be exploring ceramic work with performance as the subject, making clay forms through live performance to extract new autonomous sculptural works, alongside the creation of large scale paintings derived from her performance work

Voicings, Steakhouse Live, Latitude festival 2016
Voicings, Steakhouse Live, Latitude festival 2016