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Exchange Bursaries Application
1) First name
2) Last name
3) Email address
4) Phone number
5) Organisation name (where applicable)
6) Website
7) Companies House Registration Number (If applicable)
8) Job title
9) What part of the creative industries are you in?
- Select -
Architecture/Interior Design/Placemaking (e.g. architecture, urban design, placemaking, interior design, masterplanning)
Arts & Cultural Production (e.g. producing, curation, arts management, cultural strategy, festivals, arts/cultural events)
Crafts & Makers
Creative agency (e.g. advertising, marketing, communication, branding, PR)
Creative Tech & Science (e.g. VR/AR, arts & science, video editing, wearable technology)
Cultural Advocacy/Education/Research
Design (e.g. product, graphic, web, events, theatre)
Fashion (e.g. fashion design & manufacturing, textiles, e-Commerce, fashion production)
Media (film, TV, video, radio, podcast)
Music/Sound Art
New Media (e.g. animation, gaming, digital art, internet art, virtual art)
Performing Arts (e.g. theatre, dance, spoken words, immersive events)
Support Services in the Arts & Creative Industry (e.g. development, consultancy, business support, funding, finances, legal)
Visual Arts (e.g. photography, illustration, painting, sculpture)
Writing & Publishing
None of the above
If you answered other, please add here
10) Does your work support or are your clients from the creative industries? If so, please select the main sector they are from?
- Select -
Architecture/Interior Design/Placemaking (e.g. architecture, urban design, placemaking, interior design, masterplanning)
Arts & Cultural Production (e.g. producing, curation, arts management, cultural strategy, festivals, arts/cultural events)
Crafts & Makers
Creative agency (e.g. advertising, marketing, communication, branding, PR)
Creative Tech & Science (e.g. VR/AR, arts & science, video editing, wearable technology)
Cultural Advocacy/Education/Research
Design (e.g. product, graphic, web, events, theatre)
Fashion (e.g. fashion design & manufacturing, textiles, e-Commerce, fashion production)
Media (film, TV, video, radio, podcast)
Music/Sound Art
New Media (e.g. animation, gaming, digital art, internet art, virtual art)
Performing Arts (e.g. theatre, dance, spoken words, immersive events)
Support Services in the Arts & Creative Industry (e.g. development, consultancy, business support, funding, finances, legal)
Visual Arts (e.g. photography, illustration, painting, sculpture)
Writing & Publishing
None of the above
If you answered other, please add here
11) Explain your creative business, creative practice or project (100 words max)
12) Can you give up to three examples of your work or projects you have done in the past, present, or are planning for the future, showcasing how you embrace innovation, push boundaries and use new ways of thinking? (300 words max)
13) Do you currently address any of the following issues through your work?
Gender identity & gender inequality
Innovation/change in the arts & creative industry
Mental health & wellbeing
Social mobility
Sustainability & environmental Issues
None of the above
14) Can you give examples of how you have addressed some of the issues in your work? (150 words max)
15) Do you have any additional skills, projects, volunteer work or artistic practice that you would like to share with us? (150 words max)
16) We look for people who have a clear interest in collaborating with other members and who show enthusiasm to connect and explore new opportunities for the creative community. Would you be happy in doing any of the below?
Attending community events
Collaborate on community & social events
Collaboration around Somerset House cultural programme & key charitable objectives
Discounted services & products for the community
Leading group activities (e.g. hackathons, focus groups, peer support groups)
Peer mentoring
Professional collaboration with other organisations/freelancers in the community
Skills sharing or one-to-one advice
Specialist talks and seminars
It’s unlikely that we’ll be able to contribute
17) When did you found/start your projects, practice, small business, or start-up?
18) What stage is your project currently at?
- Select -
Pre start-up; It’s just an idea, you haven’t started anything yet
Research and development stage
Running operations/Revenue generating
19) What was your turnover in the last 12 months (including income and grants)
- Select -
£0 - £1,000
£1,001 - £5,000
£5,001 - £10,000
£10,001 - £20,000
£20,001 - £50,000
£50,001 - £100,000
20) How many people are in your team?
21) Is this practice your primary source of income?
- Select -
No (please provide more details below)
Please provide more details
22) Why do you need a financial bursary? (200 words max)
23) If you were successful in receiving a bursary, how would this make a positive impact on your work over the next year? (150 words max)
24) Exchange bursaries aim to redress balance in terms of access and opportunity within the creative and cultural sector for those who have historically been excluded/marginalised. Our focus is on individuals and businesses that may have faced barriers in these terms and need support to get to the next level. Let us know, in your own words, how this criteria applies to you. (200 words)
25) How did you hear about Somerset House Exchange bursary opportunity? (select all that apply)
- Select -
Somerset House Website
Professional contact – please specify
Current or past community member
Other – please specify
If you answered professional contact, please provide details here
If you answered other, please provide more details here